Old married couples

Mum said ‘Melts in your mouth, not in your hand’ Lee (she doesn’t call him that, I do) is the only person in Singapore would would dare to say what he said about Malaysia and not bother to respond as the fury grew across the causeway. He was certainly silent for many days (perhaps trying to think of a more diplomatic way to say things — he’s a blunt and to-the-point bloke, isn’t he?), but the paper printed his letter (it even has an annex!) to Malaysia’s PM Abdullah Badawi.

(FYI, LKY made a remark about ethnic Chinese in our neighbouring countries being marginalised, and how these countries want Singapore to be like those Chinese — compliant — and this set off a shitstorm, with both Indonesia and Malaysia blustering that the ethnic Chinese in their countries are not disadvantaged at all.)

We all know it, but no one who matters will admit to it openly. Singaporeans and Malaysians need to argue and demonise each other, it’s helpful to nationalism and gives us something ‘exciting’ and ‘controversial’ to discuss, i.e. something to do, we might start having thoughts unhelpful to nation-building or whatever otherwise.

(Being ethnic Chinese, I don’t feel I can really say anything, marginalising ethnic minorities can happen either institutionally or through prejudiced attitudes. And we all know it happens everywhere.)

Elsewhere: Malaysia gives icy reply to Lee Kuan Yew apology.

One thought on “Old married couples

  1. Yes. We don't really speak up like that here. Cause what we said do not matter to the gov't and the majority. And we just want to pass everyday peacefully… I guess for the major ethnic here, disadvantaging the minority is one of their way to show nationalism.

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