Shotput shoulders, part II

Guess what we almost froze our toes off doing last weekend? Watching the police from the Lothian and Borders, Strathclyde, Tayside, Fife, and Northumbria constabularies keep the far left away from the far right on the Royal Mile, that’s what!

The original plan was to head out for a long walk but my curiosity was piqued when we couldn’t cut through to the Mile. So we hung around near Holyrood Palace (well away from any protestors) and stickybeaked. There was a huge number of police out in force. All we saw of the ‘conflict’ were the ‘anti-Fascist’ protestors, who seemed blissfully unaware that their demands to purge fascists from our streets were pretty fascistic in the essence (something I’ve bleated about before), and all we could hear from their chanting and singing were the words ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist’ — not the effect they were intending, I’m sure.

And Neil pointed out that a large number of anti-fascist protestors were part of socialist / communist groups, who are ignoring that the Nazis were the National Socialist party. The far right and left live next to each other in the circle of political extremism.