I almost wish I could stream sound live over my website

The weather was pretty shit overnight (I think I was woken by the rain and wind hitting the window) and coming into work this morning. I was actually a little nervous about driving, with all the warnings on the radio about high winds (lucky for me my car presents a very small surface area… hehe). Then there was the insane horizontal unrelenting rain. My wipers were going full-tilt and it was still not very easy to see.

Now I’m in the office, a prefab-type aluminium structure and the wind is POUNDING us. My colleague asked if it was okay to be scared. Haha. How funny.

I realise it can get a lot worse than this, so here’s hoping I learn how to drive in bad weather. Me = spoiled by tropical weather and others driving.

3 thoughts on “I almost wish I could stream sound live over my website

  1. yikes! but at least in the uk most people on the road actually know how to drive their cars. and they don't routinely drive with a cell phone stuck to their heid. unlike austin.

  2. My issue is I'm too polite, apparently. I've always been very relaxed about driving, and I think people here aren't used to it!

  3. When driving in bad weather remember the following things: (i) Other drivers are idiots and will try to hit your car – do not make assumptions about those drivers, drive defensively; (ii) people are even more idiotic on the first snowfall of the year – it's like they need to remember that snow is slippery and that you shouldn't drive the same speed you would on dry road; (iii) remember that the roads are more dangerous (i.e. slippery, debris strewn etc.) so you need to be more cautious about the way you drive.

    These many not be all of the things you need to remember, but this is all I can thing of right now.

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